The family at a winery :)
Whew. What a whirlwind! But who could expect anything less from a month packed to the brim with birthdays, mother's day, vacation, Disneyland, travel town, wine tasting, friends and family! It has been wonderful and each day brings more laughter and love. Jumping
golfing at Uncle Darrell's- good form huh?
Seriously, these two boys are at some of the cutest ages! Samuel, almost 2 and a 1/2 is constantly echoing what we say AND coming up with some random hilarity of his own! Plus his activity level is ever increasing. He loves to "color on paper". He colors, "ABCDE" and "circle" and "motorcycle".. which are all scribbles to the untrained eye. Samuel, is a running, jumping, climbing boy! He loves to "get the mail" with Daddy which usually includes a trip to the pond or stream where he "throw rocks in da water!" This is very high on his list of fun. In fact he really enjoys playing in water. He plays in the sink with cups and bowls; gets out pots and pans and transfers water from container to container. Some of his latest gems have been: - "Mommy, no phone. Make food!" ( Yes sir!)
- "Trash truck! Diapers in there." ( Diapers make up about 90 percent of our trash these days)
- "Brennan! Be patient"
- "Where Grampa's weenie?" (Oh- randomly whilst eating dinner at my parents house.)
- "Brennan! Whatchyou doin' Brennan? I miss you!" ( In a super high pitched sing-songy voice, you know, how you talk to babies.)
little mover
so big
Brennan is 9 months old and he is our little scooter. He is army crawling all OVER the house! He is a super bouncy, smiley, chatty, inquisitive boy (grabby might be a better word). He loves to splash in the bathtub with his brother, whom he just cannot get enough of. He babbles and squeals, bounces and giggles and just gives you the most adorable grin that draws a straight line across his face, not showing any of his 8(!) teeth. He has cat-like reflexes grabbing on to random object with a super-speed swipe or, most often, slapping his food right off the spoon onto his lap. Sometimes he even gets a hold of the entire container. So fun for mommy to clean up. Splashing in the sink!
In line for the roller coaster- Samuels review: "That fun!"
Disney land was a blast! The boys both did great. Samuel took a nap like a champ in the stroller and Brennan basically hung out all day. NO meltdowns. And Samuel even got some special stickers. You can only get these stickers if you get lost at the Happiest Place on Earth! Not such a happy moment for everyone else, but he seemed just fine. checking out his "special stickers"
pajama time!
- Her hair always looks good. (What they hay, let's start off good. I can promise you, NOT all the time. But thanks)
- Her outspokenness, you never have to wonder if she has an opinion on something. (Umm thanks? I'll work on that)
- She is willing to take risks ( My trust is in my God!)
- I remember roller skating in the kitchen when we were kids. ( Where are those roller skates? I could get things done a lot faster if I was rollin!)
- Her laugh, I love when you laugh, and when you smile, or when I've made you happy even in the smallest way. (thanks my love .. tear.)
So I guess I'll start using anti-aging cream now.
We spent 10 days in California, celebrating lots of birthdays and mother's day and just filling our tank with family time! It was sooo good to refresh, yet so sad to see the boys looove their families only to take them "away" again. Soon we will be back, soon.
We spent 10 days in California, celebrating lots of birthdays and mother's day and just filling our tank with family time! It was sooo good to refresh, yet so sad to see the boys looove their families only to take them "away" again. Soon we will be back, soon.
Grandad and Brennan
Gram and Samuel
Cousins (2nd)
Uncle Jared and Miss Rachel!
Cappocchi birthdays at San Antonio Winery
travel town
Brennan videos. Apparently we like to video while he sits at the table. Probably because he is sitting still.