Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Samuel our landscape professional.
Gloom. That is one word for it. As Samuel put it one day upon looking out the window to find dreariness once again- "It's raining. Cwappy. cwappy, cwappy, cwaaaapy!!" He sort of sang a little crappy ditty about the weather. I have no idea where he could have possibly learned to call rain crappy!? I really (try) to spell it out (almost) every time! So I haven't blogged for a little longer that I hoped. I just did not feel there was much cheery, goodness to blog about. Don't get me wrong, we have had happy, fun times. Adventures, laughs and even some nice days! But not enough to stir me to sit down and write. Although it has stirred my craftiness! We bought a chair at a Thrift Store and are taking on the gi-normous project of attempting to reupholster it! This has the makings of being a never completed, mess of an undertaking. But hey, I am stubborn and a quick learner. I made a shirt last week, with no pattern! I just looked at a picture for it and went for it!I figured, " I watch Project Runway!". I made a pillow a few months back. And for those who know, I don't sew things very much- as in like hardly ever. My sewing skills harken back to Jr. High Sewing and Home Ec. class. So, I think thats pretty good. It has awoken a sleeping, sewing girl inside of me. Hopefully there will be some more projects ahead. I might use a pattern. Here's the shirt:

 So on to the good stuff! The boys. Silly, sweet, rowdy, messy, loud little boys. That is exactly what Samuel has become. He's not a toddler anymore. He's a running, jumping, climbing, talking, singing, little boy. He has opinions- "Mommy, no dancing!" He got his first grass stained knee today! He is obsessed with all things wheeled- cars, trucks, fire engines, monster trucks, trains. And he loves to READ!
Brennan, oh Brennan. He is a crawling, climbing, eating, squealing, standing, snuggling almost 11 month old! Did ya hear that? He is getting near the big 1! He has these mysterious eyes. They are almost a non-color. Sort of a Navy blue, grey, green, hazy shade. See, non-color. He is a passionate, determined little fella. When he eats he SLAMS his open hand down onto the waiting and innocent cheerio and closes his chubby little fist around it. Then he smacks his hand onto his wide open mouth and shoves in every morsel of food. He is constantly pushing his high chair back from the table and putting his feet up. Cute now, but not so cute at 13. So we're working on it.
On one of the nice days- you know it's nice because you go to the park or shore and EVERYONE is there. SO we did and they were. David and Samuel went for a bike ride around Seward Park and Brennan and I strolled. We stopped at a small beach area for a "rock throwing break". This is a must do activity for our 2 year old. Nearly on a daily basis he finds a rock and throws it either into the water, which can be a nearby creek or a storm drain, or the bushes. Just as long as he gets his rock throwing in for the day he can rest well.
The view from our stroll
Rocks are hours of fun
After a lovely afternoon, we hunted down a well reviewed hole in the wall taco eatery! Yumm. Only it wasn't exactly a hole in the wall. It's more of a... well... it's a bus. Not a taco truck where you walk up and order and it drives away. A bus, you go up the stairs and order inside then sit at the counter and devour your scrumptious tacos, burritos etc.I don't think it drives anymore. It's not in the greatest part of town. But it was still light out so no worries. I cannot wait to return and make a bus stop- heh heh.
We went on a family outing to Remlinger Farms on what turned out to be a really nice day! Samuel will gladly tell you ALL about what he did there. We'll call it a success! He/we rode a train, sat in a bus and fire engine, drove a car, rode a pony, sat on 2 tractors, rode a roller coaster, the pumpkins, and some spinning barrell ride (the kind that makes some of us want to lose their lunch). Plus a carousel, and a mini ferris wheel. Oh and a BOAT! Whew!
I'd say the ferris wheel was more of a "put your kid in a cage and they go around" kind of thing
first pony ride
Samuel driving!
wheee! Mommy's hair went fast!
Samuel driving The bus
Driving the fire truck!

Hopefully, July will be God's gift to us! We are certainly looking forward to it!
Here are the videos: