Sorry, it has been too long. I have been a bad blogger...
We were also busy travelling. September was Grampa's birthday and we went down to CA for a little while. Then October brought visitors here and November brought even more! Now here we are, December 1st! Time has been flying at a super-sonic speed! In a few short weeks Samuel will turn 3! This is something I am really not ready for. 2 is still a baby, 2 sounds so little. Even though he is super tall, doesn't wear diapers anymore (yay!) and do more and more things for himself everyday... 2 still sounds like he is little and 3 is just a slippery slope to Puberty! Ahhh! Ok, maybe puberty is a little ways off.
Brennan Had a little photo shoot for his one year birthday (a few months late, oops!) He is not a great model. he does NOT stand still, or look at the camera. But we managed a few shots.
Brennan has sure grown in the past few months, he started walking and running and talking. His favorite sound is the "ck" sound. As in: "duck", "Bike", "milk", "huk"(hug), "book", as well as good old, "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!", and apple, bye-bye, ni-ni, NO!, Naaaaw, up, bongk, fooood, bite?, chair... and more everyday. He is a great mimicker. He isn't so easy to describe- you kind of "had to be there" with Brennan. He's a goofball, knucklehead, daredevil, crazy kid! At least once a day David calls him a "character". He is. He just has such an individual personality, I can't wait to see how it develops.
In September we went camping ( for our anniversary, "how romantic!") but the boys sure had fun! We can only handle one night at a time for now- any more would cause a serious sleep deprivation for the whole family! But it was nice weather and the boys loved playing in the water!
We had a snowstorm already this year! Last winter was mild and no snow even stayed on the ground but this was, a winter wonderland. And I learned that snow makes for WILD, hyper kids! Its like snow outside is equal to a bowl full of sugar for every meal! And they don't have snow plows because of the rarity of snow here, so when it does snow, your housebound for days!
We had a great Halloween and Thanksgiving. Samuel dressed up as an in-n-out worker ( like Daddy was 15 years ago!) ans Brennan was his little hamburger! They drew quite a bit of attention wherever they went! Poor Brennan mostly stumbled around, but he was adorable I wanted to eat him up with some fries and a shake!
Then a walk at the park. A beautiful day for a walk in the park, I know.
We visited the pumpkin patch, and saw little pumpkins and BIG pumpkins!
This summer at Gramma and Grampa's house Samuel and Brennan got really into dirt- really into it. They played all day scooping and dumping. getting so very dirty! Big boys played in the dirt too!
When they cleaned off in the pool- they even put dirt in there!- yuck!
Samuel loves playing with his "friends" and swimming and Gram and Grandad's
Brennan just loves Grandad, always has.
The Puyallup Fair was fun! Samuel rode lots of rides. Have I mentioned he Loooooves trucks! There were, dump truck rides, jeep rides, motorcycle rides... he saw a Giant tractor and lots of animals!
1 comment:
Nice work babe!
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